Agency ▼ | City ▼ | County ▼ | State ▼ | Technology ▼ | Vendor ▼ |
Dodge City Police Department | Dodge City | Ford County | KS | Body-worn Cameras | |
The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $45,205 to the Dodge City Police Department in 2015 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program. | |||||
Agency: Dodge City Police Department State: KS City: Dodge City County: Ford County Technology: Body-worn Cameras Vendor: The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $45,205 to the Dodge City Police Department in 2015 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program. |
Dodge City Police Department | Dodge City | Ford County | KS | Drones | DJI |
The Dodge Police Department operates two DJI drones as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Dodge City Police Department State: KS City: Dodge City County: Ford County Technology: Drones Vendor: DJI The Dodge Police Department operates two DJI drones as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Dodge City Police Department | Dodge City | Ford County | KS | Camera Registry | CRIMEWATCH |
The Dodge City Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Dodge City Police Department State: KS City: Dodge City County: Ford County Technology: Camera Registry Vendor: CRIMEWATCH The Dodge City Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.